Life Path Coaching

Life Path Coaching

Are you ready to make a quantum leap?

No matter what you want to change in life, the process is the same. I can help you navigate this process. Together we identify what matters most to you,  what has been limiting you, and we design a personalized action plan to help you move forward. Most importantly, I keep you focused and aligned with  action to stay on track.

Career, Work, Business

Improve career satisfaction, Transition to a fulfilling career, Start or grow your own Business, Transform your money mindset.

People and Relationships

Find a Soul Mate, Increase emotional intimacy, Learn effective communication, Cultivate support networks

Emotional and Physical Well-being

Eliminate worries, stress and anxiety, Lose weight and gain energy, Develop healthy habits

Personal growth

Improve self-esteem and confidence, Add more play, adventure, creativity to life, Realise your true potential If you are committed to your personal growth, if you are open to new perspectives, and if you are ready for things to be different, this is the fastest way  to achieve your desired results. Everyone has a unique path, each coaching session is different. I combine wisdom with cutting-edge coaching and  healing technologies to help you align yourself with your truth and highest path.

3 Month Package

New clients usually start with the 3-month package. We will meet in person if you live on the Tweed/Gold Coast, otherwise we can use phone or Skype.

Designed for people who are seeking a comprehensive shift in their life, with the opportunity to focus on many areas. Start with one 90-minute Visioning  Session, followed by 5 private coaching sessions with email support in between. We meet bi-weekly 60 minute sessions.

1 Breakthrough Session

One 90-minute Breakthrough Session tailored to your specific needs. I can help you resolve a specific challenge, such as structuring a plan that meets alyour specific needs, desires and wants.

Half- Day Intensive

One 3-hr private meeting, followed by a 60-minute call two weeks later. We will work one-on-one on your clarity, mindset, and strategy. You will learn  tools to make better decisions and feel excited about life. I will also help you release energy blocks so that you can take consistent action to create positive results.

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